Thursday, April 8, 2010


After Abbi was up much of the night with a rock-hard tummy and flailing legs, I assumed that she may have a bit of a tummy ache. I then groggily stumbled down the stairs and grabbed my laptop. I asked Jeeves and Google and BING! and found a thing called the BRAT diet. This was to be given to children with diarrhea to help solidify their poo a bit. It is also cautioned to NOT overdo any of these foods.


Abbi and I are sitting at the table and she is LOOOOVING her baby food tonight. She usually eats about 1/3 of a jar, but she was so into it that she polished off the entire jar of bananas!

We followed up about 2 hours later with her typical "before bed" cereal. Usually we fix up a 2-to-1 ratio of MILK to CEREAL... Derek accidentally flip-flopped it on this given night. Oh well, she seemed to enjoy it. She ate it all.


Abbi is up. It is 3:13am. I skim through the article. I find this BRAT diet that is to pretty much guarantee CONSTIPATION.
R-Rice Cereal
A-Apple Sauce
T- Toast

2 out of 4-- awesome.

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