Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby Blurb Blunder

I have to shower at night now, that way I can get up and get ready for school quickly.


7:45 Nice, hot, steamy shower, hair washed and legs shaved (rare occasion)

8:00 Abbi is laying in our bed watching me blow dry my hair. She loves to do this and continuously grins at me when I flip my hair around.

8:10 I quickly run my straightener over my hair a few times.

8:15 Abbi nurses a little before her baby massage. (I know, I know... crazy contemporary mommy stuff, but she LOVES LOVES LOVES her massage! wouldn't you?!?!)

8:20 I am walking downstairs with Abbi facing backwards on my shoulder

8:21 Abbi lets out a giant man burp

8:21 I feel warm goo dripping down my shoulder and splattering on the floor. Abbi is grinning. I imagine that felt good. I grab my hair to push it out of the mess and realize it is caked in thick, gooey, pugnant baby blurb.

8:22 I smell like baby blurb

8:25 Repeat steps that begain at 7:45, but in a rushed, not-so-relaxing fashion.

USA vs. Canada

Derek was downstairs watching the US vs. Canada hockey game today- the final event of the Winter Olympics. Abbi and I were upstairs fixing dinner. It amazes me that she can sit and watch me run around the kitchen and be completely entertained. Derek was hooting and hollering at the TV downstairs.

Well, USA tied it up with 24 seconds to go, so dinner was served in the family room. Derek was cheering between forkfuls of chicken and rice... when suddenly Abbi begain mimicking him. She was hollering at the TV too! Sooooo cute! Derek would yell and instead of getting startled she would yell-- REALLLY YELL!

The best/worst part was when Canada scored, ending the game and earning gold for them, silver for us, Derek was moping around and jeering at the TV. Abbi started to cry. She seriously started to cry and continued crying until I picked her up and carted her around the house.

I can't wait to see if she will watch sports with her dad when she grows up. :)

... just a quick little thought before I head to bed.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


So I was talking to Derek the other day about Abigail starting solids.

Me: Abbi's four-month appointment is coming up pretty soon. The doc said we could start her on solids at four months.

Derek: (Makes grunting sound to assure me that he is paying attention... slightly)

Me: I am excited about having her try cereal!

Derek: Yeah, we will have to go out and get some Cheerios.



Me: Derek, what are you talking about???

Derek: We don't have any Cheerios. We will have to go out and buy some Cheerios the next time we go to the store.


Me: Derek, she isn't going to eat Cheerios! (laughing out loud) Are you serious?!?!

Derek: What? All babies eat Cheerios.

Me: Yes, babies with TEETH eat Cheerios. I was talking about baby cereal.. rice cereal.

Derek: Oh... (bashful grin and slightly reddening face) Well, think about it. Every time you ever see a baby eating cereal it is Cheerios! How was I supposed to know?!?

hahahaha- I absolutely adore that man.

Put a SMILE on your face!

"The athletic director at school told me this joke yesterday (she's female) and it made me laugh a lot...

I was out walking with my 4-year-old daugter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth.. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that.

'Why?' my daughter asked.

'Because it has been on the ground; you don't knowwhere it's been, it's dirty and has lots of icky germs,' I replied

At this point my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, 'Mama, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart.'

I was thinking quickly and replied, ' All moms know this stuff. They have too. It is on the Mama test. If you don't know it, they don't let you become a mama.'

We walked along in silence for two or three minutes. She was obviously pondering this newly found information.

'Oh!.... I get it!!!' she beamed, 'So if you dont pass the test then you have to be the daddy.'

'Exactly.' I replied with a big SMILE on my face."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Becoming a Parent Changes You.. like you haven't heard that before

Becoming a parent changes you. I know, I know, I know-- I was told this countless times by family, friends, social networking sites, magizines, doctors, and some strange lady at McDonalds taht wanted to rub my belly for good luck once... very odd. BUT SERIOUSLY, I realized one major change yesterday at school.

Yesterday we had a teacher in-service day. The lucky, lucky children got to stay home and play and we had to go listen to some self-important "expert" drone on and on about how much she knew about teaching. (I don't ALWAYS think that, but some of the people they bring in are wack) So, I got up, fed the Worm, and drug myself, unexcitedly, to school. We spent the first hour coloring our nametags and eating over-cooked egg casserole and sipping chunky orange juice. WTH!?! seriously-- coloring our nametags... WITH MARKERS!

OK... back on topic. The in-service was on bullying. Bullying. I instantly flashed back to middle school where Jessica Kennedy wanted to pound my face in because Jay Gribben talked to me on the phone and we were maybe going to "go out" eeek eek. The in-service began and the principal introduced this lady with orange hair who apparently had a lot to say about WHY she was so qualified to tell us about our students.

Time Passes...

So she puts this video clip up on the big screen and I watch. A man is talking about studying bully trends and kids without friends. Talking about kids who have no friends at school and would rather have negative attention than no attention at all. Then we watch top secret video footage from a playground where this little boy walks around the playground with a little toy in his hand. All Alone. Other little boys come up and yank his toy out of his grasp and throw it across the yard. He runs to grab his toy before the others get there. Meanwhile, on the other side of the playground, a boy with a ponytail is surrounded by his buddies. The ponytail leader points to one of the boys and the mob jumps hime. SERIOUSLY they are in like 3rd grade. The little boy who was kicked to the ground gets up and WALKS back over to the mob of boys for MORE attention where they proceed to grab him by the head and kick him repeatedly in the back. THEN CUT. A group of catty little girls on the playground (could my Abbi be in that group??) and one little girl following close behind (or is that my Abbi?!?!) The cats turn and the queen cat grabs the trailing little girl by the back of the neck (is that Abbi? which one?!?!) The group leads her around the playground tearing her clothes, pulling her hair, screaming about hurting her, making her kiss the tree and eat dirt. So many just watch...

WHO THE HELL IS TAPING THIS??? and why aren't they doing something to stop it? Where are the teachers? Why don't the other kids stick up for these little ones??? UGH!!!!!!!!

For the first time I did not see those kids as students, but instead, as my precious little baby.
Becoming a parent changes you.

The video clip went on to interview bullies and those who were bullied, and finally the parents of bullied kids.... one set of parents who lost their little girl to suicide after being bullied and belittled everyday at school. I can't even wrap my mind around it.

Becoming a parent changes you.

...until next time-- What can you do to brighten someone's day? Maybe they were that kid. Maybe it happened 20 years ago. Maybe it was 20 minutes ago. Be a friend. A kind word goes a long way.